Another year has come and gone with out you. You would have been 19 years old today. I always wonder were you would be if you were still here with us. People say time is a good healer, well it's not. It gets harder not having you around. In your short life you left a hugh impact on so many life's.
You are truly missed around here. I wish we could spend the day together ,I miss your smile, you saying to me " Hey Mom with a nod of your head " ( just like your dad still does ). I miss the days that were bad and you would make them better just by being here. I Love you so much . You are in my daily thoughts. give mom a hug for me.
Happy Birthday Cod Man,
I'll love you forever
I'll like your for always
As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.
love mom
Pictures of Cody with his Family & Friends
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Happy Birthday Son
Posted by Janae at 12:23 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 23, 2013
Happy Birthday
Today Cody you would have been 18 years old. No words can ever tell you how much I miss you. You were taken way to soon from us, but I am so thankful for the 17 years I had with you. I wish I could tell you Happy Birthday in person , you know I would give you the biggest hug and tell you how proud I am of you and just how much you mean to me. I love and miss you so much. Happy Birthday Son.
I Love You Forever
Posted by Janae at 9:57 AM 1 comments
Monday, June 24, 2013
Your Headstone.
It took a while but your Headstone finally came in. I'm slow posting this picture. It came in May 14 2013. I miss you so much Cody. You are always on my mind. I still expect you to walk out of your bedroom and say Hey Mom. I miss your hugs and you always telling me that you love me. You are greatly missed !!!
I love you forever
Posted by Janae at 1:46 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Cody's Slideshow
This is the video which was shared at Cody Nielson's memorial service. Many family members and friends expressed interest in the video, so we are posting it here as well as the Striking Back with Cody blog. Please feel free to share this with anyone who might be interested. We miss you Cody, and we will always keep you close to our hearts...
Posted by Cheryl at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Eulogy for Cody Russell Nielson 8/23/1995-10/20/2012
By: Cheryl Stout (Sister) I want to start off by thanking everyone on behalf of our family for being here to remember and celebrate the life of my brother, Cody Russell Nielson. Cody was born at Humboldt General Hospital on August 23, 1995 to Russell Winston Nielson and Janae Nielson. He has two older sisters: Myself, Cheryl Stout and Stacy Standaert. Cody was also an uncle to 5: Andrew and Ashlee Stout as well as Mariah, Hayley, and Autumn Standaert. To know and understand what a true miracle and blessing Cody was you need to know what a struggle my parents went through to get him here. Due to several medical issues in my Mom’s 20’s they were unable to get pregnant the traditional way. They decided to do invitro in order to have a child. Knowing that this would be their one and only chance they decided to have all 9 fertilized eggs implanted. We were all very excited when we found out my mom was pregnant with twins. About 6 weeks into the pregnancy my mom suffered the loss of both babies. After rushing to Reno the doctors confirmed that she did in fact have a miscarriage and they performed a D&E in order to make sure there was no remaining tissue left behind that could cause an infection. This was extremely devastating and they struggled with the loss. Over the next 5 weeks my mom was really sick, nauseous, throwing up and very tired. Russ told her she should take a pregnancy test. This upset my mom since she knew it was not possible for her to conceive without help due to excessive amounts of scar tissue and cysts. Russ kept insisting and made her take a test. Sure enough it was positive. Not understanding or believing this was possible they immediately made an appointment and headed to the doctor. The ultrasound and blood test confirmed she was in fact pregnant. Not only was she pregnant her due date was exactly the same as what it was prior to the miscarriage. Everyone was in shock, doctors included. How could that be possible? There was no sign of life after the loss and they even cleaned her out and reconfirmed with an ultrasound. There was nothing left. The only explanation was that Cody must have been hiding behind a fibroid tumor which is why they did not detect his presence on any ultrasounds. Cody is a true miracle and a blessing from God. A funny story about the day Cody was born. My sister and I went with our mom to a doctor appointment. We sat in the waiting room as she went in for her examination. A little bit later we saw a nurse walk by with a mop and a bucket. I turned to my sister and jokingly said “I bet that’s for mom.” I have no idea why that thought crossed my mind since Cody was not due for a couple more weeks and the week before they had gone to Reno and had an amniocentesis which showed his lungs were not quite developed. Shortly after that we saw a nurse wheeling mom out in a wheelchair. It turned out I was correct and her water had broken in the room while she was waiting for the doctor. They rushed her over to the hospital and hooked her up to the monitors. Sure enough she was in fact in labor. Cody was such a caring, compassionate, and selfless person. Always putting others feelings and needs above his own. He was an affectionate person towards the people he loved the most. He always stopped and gave hugs anytime he would walk by just to let you know he loved you. Cody gave the best hugs. Cody was very spoiled, but in a good way. When he was a baby there were 4 of us fighting over who got to feed him, hold him, change his diaper and go get him when he cried. He was my little shadow, he went everywhere with me. I was so worried when I moved away that we wouldn’t be close since he was so young. Every time I came home to visit when he was little he’d attach himself to me. I loved that he had to sleep with me and I enjoyed every minute of his company. I am so glad I was wrong and even though there has been a great distance in miles between us for most of his life I am comforted knowing that my fear was unfounded and I really had no reason to be worried. Cody was always a quiet and introverted person. He hated to be in the spotlight and didn’t like it when people fussed over him. Cody was an excellent student. He was always good with numbers and math. He spent most his time in quiet contentment. Cody enjoyed bowling. He started bowling in leagues when he was a kid. The highest game Cody ever bowled was 247. He received awards for bowling and traveled to Vegas, Reno, and Sparks with his friends to play in bowling tournaments. He also enjoyed watching basketball and shooting hoops. His favorite player was Steve Nash. Cody had a strong interest in video games like most young men his age. His interest went beyond just playing though. You could find him in his room browsing gaming blogs and chat rooms and reading the latest game reviews. He also did a little bit of gaming development and created some characters for some online gaming. Cody loved music as well. You would see him walking around the house with his IPOD listening to music all the time. Cody enjoyed cooking. He made some of the best chocolate chip cookies and crepes. He loved Italian food. Cody was diagnosed with Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor on April 7, 2010. He was only 14 years old. DSRCT is an extremely rare, highly aggressive, childhood cancer. It was a very difficult time for everyone but especially our parents. I heard my Mom say a few times that they had to fight like hell to get him here and then fight like hell to keep him here. Even with all the pain and suffering that he endured he still kept a positive outlook. Cody had a good sense of humor and was still cracking jokes right up to the end. Due to the large amount of tumors in his stomach he became very bloated and his stomach was distended. Cody would rub his stomach and ask, “What do you think? Is it a boy or a girl?” Family was everything to Cody. He was thankful for every last minute he got to spend with the ones he loved. His last hours of consciousness he got to spend with his dad. Cody asked for ice cream and when he told him he wasn’t sure that was a good idea Cody said, “Just do it, Mom’s sleeping.” After enjoying a few bites of ice cream Cody said, “I love you so much Dad.” It’s no surprise that Cody’s last words were expressing his love. After a 2 and a half year battle with this ugly cancer, the war finally ended. Cody died peacefully at home with his family by his side on Saturday October 20, 2012. Cody was taken from us far too soon. Many of us are angry, hurt, confused, and completely grief stricken. While these feelings are very much justified I ask that you also be thankful. Thankful for the time God choose to share Cody with us. While it was far too short I know I will always be grateful for every single moment and take comfort in knowing that I am a better person than I would have been otherwise because of Cody. Cody touched so many people in the short time he was with us. His strength, courage and will were an inspiration to all that knew him or knew of him. I’d like to close by sharing the following poem: I’ll Lend you for a little time a child of mine by Edgar Guest “I’ll lend you for a little time a child of mine,” He said. “For you to love the while he lives and mourn when he is dead, “It may be six or seven years, or twenty-two or three. “But will you, till I call him back, take care of him for me? “He’ll bring his charms to gladden you, but should his stay be brief, “You’ll have his lovely memories, as solace for your grief, “I cannot promise he will stay, since all from earth return, “But there are lessons taught down there I want this child to learn. “I’ve looked the wide world over in my search for teachers true, “And from the throngs that crowd life’s lanes I have selected you. “Now will you give him all your love, nor think the labor vain, “Nor hate me when I come to call to take him back again? I fancied that I heard them say: Dear Lord, Thy will be done! “For all the joy Thy child shall bring, the risk of grief we’ll run. We’ll shelter him with tenderness: we’ll love him while we may, And for happiness we’ve known forever grateful stay.
Posted by Cheryl at 9:17 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Heaven gained another Angel
Cody Russell Nielson Aug. 23, 1995-Oct. 20, 2012.
May you finally find the rest and comfort you so well deserve. You have touch so many lives in your short time on earth and will truly be missed by all those who had the privilege to know and love you.
Funeral Services for Cody Russell Nielson will be held on Saturday October 27th at 11:00 a.m. Services will be held at the Winnemucca Christian Fellowship Church located at 4380 S. Grass Valley Rd. Winnemucca, NV 89445.
Viewing will be held on Friday October 26th at Albertson Funeral Home located at 47 West First St. from 6-8 p.m.
Viewing will be held on Friday October 26th at Albertson Funeral Home located at 47 West First St. from 6-8 p.m.
God looked upon his garden
And found an empty place.
He then looked down upon this earth
and saw your tired face.
And lifted you to rest.
God's garden must be beautiful
He always takes the best.
He knew you were in pain.
He knew you would never
Get well on earth again.
And the hills were hard to climb
So he closed your weary eyelids
And whispered "Peace be thine."
But you didn't go alone
For part of us went with you
The day God called you home.
Your love is still our guide.
And though we cannot see you,
You are always at our side.
And nothing seems the same,
But as God calls us one by one
The chain will link again.
Posted by Cheryl at 2:40 PM 0 comments